At Dentoplant Dental Clinic replacements placed on front teeth are planned by following the principles of modern aesthetic dentistry, including digital smile design (DSD). DSD software allows us to make a complex digital plan based on standardized photo documentation of your initial state, which can significantly improve both the functional and the aesthetic outcome. The biggest advantage of DSD is that we can show you the expected result and you will actually see your future smile.
What is DSD?
Digital smile design allows us to visualize the expected outcome before the treatment, without performing the intervention, so you will not take any risk. Your dentist can involve you in planning your smile using special dental design software. The software will create personalized reconstructions fitted to your face type and facial features. It will only take a few minutes to turn chipped, cracked or discoloured teeth into wonderful teeth and put the image on the screen of the computer. Taking into account the harmony of your face, the computer will design only feasible and natural-looking solutions.
As we import the photos to the DSD program we can see immediately the opportunities of the sizes and shapes of the teeth, considerint the individual facial harmony of the patient.
Steps of digital smile design
Designing your smile is simple and enjoyable cooperation between you and your dentist. We start with a consultation which will include taking your medical and dental history, performing physical examination, doing a panoramic X-ray, taking an impression of your teeth and discussing your expectations about your new smile. Then we start the actual design process:
During the Digital Smile Design we consider the facial type and the soft tissues of the patient to achieve beautiful natural smile.
Photo documentation
We take serial photos to assess the proportions of your face and teeth. We can determine the positional relationship between your teeth, the gum, the lips and the face, and record you facial features reflecting your emotions.
Transmitting data to the computer
Your photos and other data are transferred into the DSD program which visualizes the options on the screen. The program designs reconstructions that are tailored to your needs and can be fabricated by your dentist. Unrealistic treatment options are ruled out.
Digital planning
Your dentist assesses your initial condition and makes a basic computer design for your restoration. Then fine adjustments are made to the colour and shape of the teeth, as well as the whole restoration until a desirable outcome is achieved. Then the data are sent to the lab where a prototype of your restoration is fabricated.
Wax-up – fabricating a model restoration
Using your data the dental technician prepares a model for your restoration either by using a cast and special wax, or by making a 3D printed model.
Mock-up – fabricating a prototype
Based on the model a plastic prototype is fabricated and sent to your dentist for a try-in. You can try in the exact copy of your restoration and see how it feels when you speak or smile. If it is necessary, corrections can be made as well.
Preparing the teeth and fabricating the final restoration
The next step is taking photos of your initial condition and discussing the final design. If you approve it, your dentist prepares your teeth for the permanent restoration. The dental technician fabricates an exact copy of the digital design made of ceramics. The dentist places the restoration into your mouth and makes sure it fits properly. With this method you can have a new, aesthetic and functioning smile.
The last step is to take photos of you with the new restoration, so that we can compare your initial condition and the treatment outcome. The only thing you are expected to do is enjoy your nice new smile.
At the end of the treatment we also do a photo documentation to show, so that the patient can compare it to the before pictures.
What are the advantages of digital smile design?
The digital smile design program has far more potentials than you can think of. It is not a simple drawing program. It is a dental instrument that enables your dentist to create real solutions for you. The program does not make any designs that do not fit you. It only designs feasible options that your dentist and dental technician can actually fabricate. This feature makes the program unique and extremely useful.
Another advantage of digital smile design is that you can see the outcome before the treatment and know what to expect. It is even more useful for your dentist, because it facilitates the communication between the dentist and the dental technician, which can reduce the chance of misunderstanding each other.
The program also helps dental technicians because they can get clear-cut information about the restoration based on exact parametres and precise measurements. The photos stored in the program show your expectations more precisely than verbal description.
The expenses can be planned in advance taking into account any modifications to the treatment. Payment can be adjusted to your financial possibilities.
By analyzing the character of your face and teeth, your dentist can make an individual treatment plan for you.
DSD has the great advantage that the patient can see the expected result, so we prevent misunderstanding to improve the communucation.